The messages can include replacment parameters. If you want to the
message to be just a replacement parameter, put 


in your resource file, and then pass the remote messsage as the
replacement parameter.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
-- Developing Java Web Applications with Struts
-- Tel: +1 585 737-3463
-- Web:

Tom Bednarz wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to Struts and currently in the process of porting a JSP based Web
> Application to Struts and Velocity.
> Personally I hate stupid error messages like 'Failed to process your
> order....' or 'Operation failed.... '. These type of messages are absolutely
> useless. For simple applications that simply store and retrieve data from a
> database it is possible do define possible error messages in advance and
> store them in a resource file. It is impossible in a distributed
> environment.
> When I look at samples and at the API I see that you offer ActionErrors and
> ActionError to process Errors. The real Error message is stored in a
> resource File and you pass a key to the ActionError class which then
> retrieves the message from the resource file. This is a nice feature in
> multi-language environments but in a distributed environment it is not
> possible know all possible error messages.
> I run a lot of CORBA stuff and have a lot of business logic implemented in
> various CORBA servers running on Windows and UNIX boxes. I have beans that
> wrap the CORBA clients and these beans are used in Action objects.
> There are many places where things can go wrong in a distributed application
> environment. I consequently use exeption handling and put all error messages
> in the exception itself. Since CORBA knows exceptions many exceptions are
> already defined on the IDL level. The server implementation (usually written
> in C++) fills human readable error messages in the exception object. Finally
> exactly these messages should be displayed on an end-users browser.
> I think the concept of displaying the error message on top of a form very
> good, since a user has a chance to correct the entries made if the error is
> caused by a typo. If there is a technical problem (such as a network beeing
> down, or a service such as a credit card validation or anything else on a
> remote location is not available) then I have at least a chance to return a
> meaningful error message. If I have to store messages in a resource file I
> could simply return something like "Operation failed". This is not very
> usefull for either the end-user nor any support staff.
> I don't know what the philosophy of Error handling in struts is, but for
> distributed applications it would be nice if there would be a possibility to
> simply add a string to the ActionError object and then add it to the array
> of errors.
> Are there any reasons why this functionality is not available? A workaround
> is simple, I can put error messages in a request or session context and then
> display it in a velocity macro. But I think that this feature is something
> that would well suite for the framework.
> Thanks
> Thomas
> --
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