I'm trying to show a predefined arraylist of beans in
a html:select tag
and I keep getting the following exception.

description The server encountered an internal error
(Internal Server Error) that prevented it from
fulfilling this request.

javax.servlet.ServletException: No getter method
available for property securityModule for bean under
name org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN at

My ArrayList is setup correctly as the following code
in the JSP 

MfDebug.line( "TEST IT OUT" );
Object[] al = ((ArrayList)getServletContext(
for ( int i = 0 ; i<al.length; i++ ) {
  ComboBoxBean cb = (ComboBoxBean)al[i];
  MfDebug.p( "Label: " + cb.getLabel( ) + "    Value:
" + cb.getValue( ) );
MfDebug.line( );


[ TEST IT OUT ]-------------------------------------
Label: < Please select module >    Value:
Label: Security    Value: 1
Label: eCorp    Value: 2
Label: Muesliflakes    Value: 3

My <html:select> tag is as follows:

<html:select property="securityModule" size="1">
  <html:options collection="<%=
  property="value" labelProperty="label"/>


Cheers Dave

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