<bean:define >
is good for getting at stuff. I might have this a bit wonky but it should give
you the idea. It just creates a 'page scope' pointer called tempVar for
<logic:iterate to use.

<bean:define id="theList" name="yourFormBean" property="projectProcessGateList"
scope="request" toScope="page"/>

<logic:iterate id="processGates" name="theList" scope="page">

--- "Maturo, Larry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I have stumbled onto a solution, of sorts.  You have 
> to duplicate the list (i.e. use two pointers to it.)  One 
> you put in the session so that iterate tag can access it, 
> the other you put in the form so the radio tag can access 
> it.  I guess I would like to just put it into the form, 
> since it is required there in order for the radio buttons 
> to access it.
> This is my iterate tag:
> <logic:iterate id="processGates" name="<%= projectProcessGateList %>" 
>               scope="session"
> type="com.athensgroup.model.ProjectProcessGate">
> How would I rewrite this to use the processGates list that is stored
> in my form bean (under the name processGates), instead of using the 
> processGates list that I stored into the session under the name 
> projectProcessGateList?  It seems bizzare to have to have the same 
> list in two different places to get this to work.
> -- Larry Maturo
> I am trying to create a table of radio buttons.  Each row looks
> something like:
> Required Exempt Done       Gate
>    O       O      *     Repository Link
> where the "O" represents an unchecked radio button
> and the "*" represents a check one.  I have an ArrayList
> of beans.  Each bean has a status string field and a gate
> string field, where status is always one of "REQUIRED",
> "EXEMPT", or "DONE".  My table displays properly, and I can
> change which radio button is selected.  However, when I
> make a change to one of the radio buttons and submit my
> form, the list I get back is identical to the
> one I sent in.  Below is what's in my jsp:
> <table border="">
>   <tr>
>     <td colspan="3"><b><big><center>Status</center></big></b></td>
>     <td></td>
>     </tr>
>   <tr>
>     <td align="center" width="80"><b>Required</b></td>
>     <td align="center" width="80"><b>Exempt</b></td>
>     <td align="center" width="80"><b>Done</b></td>
>     <td align="center" width="150"><b><big>Gate</big></b></td>
>   </tr>
>     <logic:iterate id="ppg" name="<%= Constants.PROJECT_PROCESS_GATE_LIST
> %>" scope="session"
> type="com.athensgroup.model.ProjectProcessGate">
>   <tr>
>     <td>
>       <center>
>         <html:radio name="ppg" property="<%= ProjectForm.STATUS %>"
> value="<%=
> ProcessStatus.REQUIRED.getMnemonic() %>" indexed="true" />
>       </center>
>     </td>
>     <td>
>       <center>
>        <html:radio  name="ppg" property="<%= ProjectForm.STATUS %>"
> value="<%=
> ProcessStatus.EXEMPT.getMnemonic() %>" indexed="true" />
>       </center>
>     </td>
>     <td>
>       <center>
>             <html:radio  name="ppg" property="<%= ProjectForm.STATUS %>"
> value="<%=
> ProcessStatus.DONE.getMnemonic() %>" indexed="true" />
>       </center>
>     </td>
>     <td>
>      <center>
>        <bean:write name="ppg" property="<%= ProjectForm.GATE %>" />
>      </center>
>    </td>
>   </tr>
>   </logic:iterate>
>   </table>
> In my action class I have
> request.getSession
> ().setAttribute(Constants.PROJECT_PROCESS_GATE_LIST,ppgLis
> t);
> After I submit my form I get the list back, in my action, with:
> ppgList = (ArrayList)
> request.getSession().getAttribute(Constants.PROJECT_PROCESS_GATE_LIST);
> Why is this list identical to when it was sent in?
> -- Larry Maturo
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