torsdag februar 28 2002 kl. 03:53 PM skrev David A. D. Konrad:

>> I am trying to create my first real struts application, but I had trouble
>> with my Form-Bean was always null in my derived perform routine.  I found
>> that my FormBean was extending Object instead of 
>> org.apache.struts.action.
>> .ActionForm, and that correcting this fixed my problem.  I would have
>> appreciated that Struts complained to the browser instead of silently
>> discarding my bean.
> Struts cannot be responsible for handling ANY kind of misuse - imho!

I would be perfectly happy with an exception thrown.  Or a log entry.  Or 
just about ANYTHING from the system except complete silence.

I am trying to make people use this system, and I am the most experienced 
Javacoder here.  I will readily admit that it doesn't mean much, when it 
takes me hours to figure out what would have stared me straight in the eye 
if I had gotten a typecast exception.

I am sincerely trying to make this work, since I would be well of being 
able to show real functionality by Monday, but if I run into more problems 
like this - being a newbie this will happen if it can - then I might not 
be able to.

Are there other common newbie traps that I should be aware of? I have 1500 
unread messages on this list, so I am not quite up to date (but I have 
time after Monday).

Thank you all in advance,
   Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
   Scandiatransplant, c/o Christian Mondrup
   89 49 53 01

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