

  <bean:write name="val" />

Inside your iterate
As I understand you you just want to display things... Bean:write does a 
(or something like that) of the bean if not property is mentioned.


At 14:50 2002-03-01 +0100, you wrote:
>I use a Vector object which contains String Object.
>This Vector is in a JavaBeans, so I've got a getter method, which returns
>the Vector.
>When I want to iterate the list by:
><logic:iterate id="val" type="java.lang.String" name="user"
>         ????????
>How replace the "?????" by a good code?!
>I haven't idea! If my Vector contains some other complex object (others
>beans for examples), this works well.
>How do I to diplay my String(s)?
>Thx for your answers

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