
(Posted here 'cos I couldn't get through to your email address.)

Refer to the taglib documentation at

I think you would have to do some arithmetic in your Action class and put
the results into the request/session to achieve this.  The 'pager' tag makes
available a pagerPageNumber variable which is the page number of the current
page.  Internally the tag library classes must know how many rows and pages
there are, but it does not expose these to the jsp as far as I can see.  You
would need to calculate the total number of rows which are to be displayed
and put this into the request/session for the jsp to use.
So, to get the total number of pages you would need to work out  the no. of
rows to display divided by the value specified for  the maxPageItems
attribute of the 'pager' tag (+1 if there is a remainder).  The pagerOffset
variable exposed by the 'pager' tag can be used to calculate the "Results 1
to 10" part of your requirement (pagerOffset +1 to pagerOffset+maxPageItems,
unless this is the last page, in which case it would be pagerOffset +1 to
total no. of rows).  Another option would be to ask the author (James
Klicman, I believe - [EMAIL PROTECTED]) to modify the tag classes to expose
the variables you need ( I don't think this library is open source).


-----Original Message-----
From: Pedro Marques [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 05 February 2002 22:15
Subject: RE: paging taglib and struts?


Is it possible to get the total number of pages?
I would like a navigation bar like this:
"Results 1 to 10 out of 1036            page 1/20"


-----Original Message-----
From: Malcolm Wise [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 1:32 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: paging taglib and struts?


I am using this taglib quite extensively and it works very well with Struts.
Below is a fairly basic example jsp.
Essentially, the pager url attribute specifies the destination when any of
the navigation links is clicked.  Request parameters required by the action
class can be specified using the param tag.  These can be literals
(value="search") as in my example or use <bean:define> and specify the value
attribute as the resulting variable (value="<%=expr%>").  The item tag
defines each row to be displayed, and needs to be enclosed within
<logic:iterate>.  The index tag defines the navigation bar (prev, next etc)
as a series of hyperlinks.  The maxIndexPages attribute of the pager tag
defines how many page numbers will be displayed in the navigation bar, i.e
the below example will display

        [<<Prev] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Next>>]

assuming there are 10 pages worth of data.  [<<Prev] and [Next>>] only
display if there are previous or more pages.  The maxPageItems attribute
specifies how many detail rows per page to be displayed.

I'm happy to answer any further questions or give examples.


<pg:pager url="" maxIndexPages="10" maxPageItems="15">
  <pg:param name="action" value="search"/>
    <TABLE width="100%">
           <TD align="center">
               <TABLE width="60%" border="0">
                    <TH width="10%"><bean:message
                    <TH width="20%"><bean:message
                <TH width="10%"><bean:message
                <TH width="10%"><bean:message
             <logic:iterate id="row" name="results" scope="request"
                      <TD><bean:write name="row" property="string[1]"/></TD>
                      <TD><bean:write name="row" property="string[2]"/></TD>
                      <TD><bean:write name="row" property="string[3]"/></TD>
                      <TD><bean:write name="row" property="string[4]"/></TD>
              <TABLE width="60%" border="0">
             <TR align="center">
                    <pg:prev><a href="<%=pageUrl%>">[<< Prev]</a>
                       <bean:define id="pageNo" 
                       <logic:equal name="pageNo" value="<%=pageNumber.toString()%>">
                       <logic:notEqual name="pageNo" 
                           <a href="<%= pageUrl %>"><%= pageNumber %></a>
                             <pg:next><a href="<%= pageUrl %>">[Next >>]</a>

-----Original Message-----
From: John Menke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 03 March 2002 02:08
To: struts-user
Subject: paging taglib and struts?

Does anyone any suggestions for implementing paging with struts? I have
searched the archive and karl basel posted this:


There's a good pager taglib at I've used it in a struts app and
does the job quite well when embedded in the iterate tags.

           Item Details


I have downloaded this pager and the documentation is not providing enough
information on how this works.  Are there any examples out there on how to
do this that I am missing?


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