"Emaho, Ghoot" wrote:
> Gabriel
> I see it's built on TWiki. Chiki has many similarities to Twiki re functionality. 
>Obviously it's written in Java using Struts (not perl). Have you taken a look at 
>Chiki ? I'd be interested in any feedback you might have. The current release has 
>everything you listed (except version control which is in the next release) and more. 
>As an experienced Wiki user I'd appreciate your feedback. Your site is a good example 
>of how these things can be used. A Community site (using Chiki) for Struts would be a 
>great resource. Of course it doesnt have to be Chiki (there are many Wiki's out 
>there) but it'd be good to use something that's built on Struts.
> Looking forward to your feedback

Looking into Chiki is on my to do list. I just didn't get around 
to do it yet (have browsed your site extensively but not looked 
at the implementation)
In any case, for a Struts forum I think it would be nice to use
Struts technolgoy even if Chiki misses some features of other Wikis 
at the moment. I'm sure this will change soon :-)

As you might know, I am working on the Struts/Velocity integration.
My personal interest in Chiki is to find out how easily it could be
turned into a show case for Struts/Velocity. 

In any case, I'll report back once I have had a chance to spend some
more time with Chiki.

I certainly would voluteer to help with setting up and maintaining
a Chiki-based Struts Know How forum. My experience is that like a
nice garden, such a forum needs a few gardeners that are devoted
to its well being.


Gabriel Sidler
Software Engineer, Eivycom GmbH, Zurich, Switzerland

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