Subject: Re: problem with nested tag and resetting checkboxes
From: "Jeff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Does ActionForm have an abstract method that gets called AFTER a form
submission, but BEFORE the submitted formvars are used to (re)populate the
associated ActionForm bean's values? reset() doesn't seem to be the answer.

Attempting to set the bean's values to the un-checked default in the reset()
method isn't working, because reset() isn't getting called until AFTER the
bean's values have already been populated with the form's values. The
problem is, by that point, it's too late to reset the boolean variable
corresponding to the checkbox, because setValue(checkbox value) has
(possibly) been called already... but without doing anything extra, we can't
be sure whether it was or wasn't.

I've come up with a really ugly kludge that works (below), but I can't
believe there isn't a better solution within Struts itself to handle the
scenario of checkboxes whose absence should be interpreted as "false" rather
than "ignored"

The kludge:

assume the checkbox corresponds to a boolean variable named "good", with the
usual get()/set() methods.

add two boolean variables to the bean: unchecked_default and

unchecked_default has the usual get() and set() methods.

box_was_checked is for internal use and is initially set to "false"

a hidden form tag is added that specifies the default value to use if the
box isn't checked:
<nested:hidden property="unchecked_default" value="false"/>

setGood(boolean) -- the set method for the variable associated with the
checkbox -- sets box_was_checked=true whenever it gets called

setUnchecked_default(String) -- the set method for the hidden formvar that
contains our "unchecked" value -- checks to see whether box_was_checked ==

If box_was_checked = true, it sets box_was_checked = false and does nothing

If box_was_checked = false, it directly sets good =

The general idea is that the checkbox's corresponding value gets set to the
default if the formvar is missing from the submission (indicating that it
was unchecked, and thus ignored). On the other hand, if it WAS submitted,
but some random quirk of luck caused setUnchecked_default() to get called
before setGood(), everything will still work out, because the default value
will get overwritten before perform() gets called.

So, anyway, is there some better way to do this? Does Struts have some
built-in mechanism for automatically setting checkbox properties to some
default value prior to processing the submitted formvars?

Perhaps the <html:checkbox> (and <nested:checkbox>) tags should have an
additional parameter -- "unchecked_default", whose use would cause Struts to
silently insert an additional hidden tag into the page to more or less
achieve the same result as my kludge?

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