Hi Folks:

I'm doing a mimic-JTabbedPane approach.   I have a screen with 5 tabs.    I
am using 1 form object and 5 action mappings...

On tab 4, I'd like to detect changes made to a field on tab 1.     I notice
I can change the field on tab 1 but tab 4 does not know about until the
form is submitted.    I can't submit the form...

I'd like to have a Javascript handler that implements the onchange() and
somehow sets a session attribute or some kind of trigger that tells tab 4
to "reload" itself when this field on tab 1 has changed.    I notice if I
change these values, the form object will not get the new values until you
hit submit.    Having the javascript function call submit is not an option
either...   Any ideas on how best to do this??

If I could access my form-bean directly within the Javascript method, that
would be an option to (as I could call the set method on the form object)
but I am not sure if the javascript can access the form object directly and
call a set method?


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