Check out  They're free for 15
days and quite affordable after that.  You have access to Tomcat and
Jonas as well as mySql.

No offense, but you're not going to get the functionality you want for
free.  You must be willing to pay at least a little if you're going to
have database access and reliability.  WebAppCabaret is very affordable.
I can't speak for their reliability or performance.


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 12:06 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Free (or inexpensive) web hosting site for JSP/Struts/MySql?
> Hi Folks:
> A thousand pardon's if this has already been asked in the 
> past....    Is
> there a hosting service that's inexpensive or free (I doubt 
> it?) that would
> allow one to create a web-site that allows me to use 
> JSP/Struts and mySql
> database as well as access to an SMTP daemon to send email?   
>  I'd like to
> possibly create a web-site in my spare time that would allow 
> people to post
> reviews of their favorite cd's.
> I am getting more/more proficient with Struts and am liking 
> it and feel I
> am possessing the knowledge to build such a site...    The 
> one catch is the
> database can grow to big proportions since people are posting 
> reviews which
> could be many sentances long.    I'd expect the database to 
> contain as much
> as 20-30MB (if not more) after the first 6-12 months.
> Also, can mySql handle such a workload?    I am proficient with using
> Oracle (what we use at work) but don't want to pay to use 
> Oracle for this
> web-site.   mySql makes sense since it seems to be free.
> thanks in advance,
> Theron
> --
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