I have define the error page in the web.xml descriptor:

My webapp is specialoffer and I am using Tomcat 4.
If I type http://localhost:8080/specialoffer/jsp/dfklqjsf , I received
correct error page define in the web.xml.
But if I type the following URL
I receive the same page but without the images!

In the logfiles of Tomcat, I can see the image requests are differents
    [12/Mar/2002:15:08:48 1000] "GET /img/flag_fr_on.jpg HTTP/1.1" 404
in place of
    [12/Mar/2002:15:08:48 1000] "GET /specialoffer/img/flag_fr_on.jpg
HTTP/1.1" 404 630

Can you help me?

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