This has been a very common problem and has been discussed many times here.
Check out the archive:

BTW: the only way I got JRun (on Apache) to see the
file (where the exception is originating) was to expand struts.jar in the
server lib directory.  Obviously a classpath problem, and once I started
developing for a real application the problem went away.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gilson Nascimento D Elrei [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 10:23 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Struts on JRUN

I have installed STRUTS example package (.war) on my JRUN installation - I
did modification like specified in jakarta-struts installation manual,
particularly i did some updates in JSP files (from struts-example) for JRUN.
When i try to execute the sample strut application i got this error in my
500 Internal Server Error

javax.servlet.ServletException: Exception thrown processing JSP page.
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Missing message for key index.title 
I have checked Archive and I found a suggestion to verify my
"" file, including the following lines:
index.title = my title page

Ok, i did it and i save it in strut-example \WEB-INF\classes\ directory but
I didn't get success.
I verify my web.xml file on strut-example \WEB-INF directory and i found it:

It seems ok for me, the PATH above exist and i have encountered the line
with "index.title=my title page"
But I continue to getting the same error.

Thanks for any suggestion about it.

Gilson DElrei

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