Subject: Re: How to Pre-fill a formbean
This is exactly the answer I had in mind, except for the part to use class
instead of type, I didn't know that. Casting your original loginForm to a
mainForm won't work, you have to explicitly create a new mainForm and
populate it.

"Lee Joe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Phil,
> Your loginAction should create and populate a mainForm
> bean and then saves it in the request scope. In the
> main.jsp, get a reference to this form by:
> <jsp:useBean name="mainForm" scope="request"
> class="com.MainForm">
> and the input fields on that jsp get the defaults from
> this form bean. You have to use class (not type) so
> that if you come from a differene route to main.jsp
> rather than Login and the mainform bean may not be
> there already, a new one will be created for u. Then
> your jsp won't bombs and the input fields still get
> blank defaults.
> - Joe
> RE: How to Pre-fill a formbean
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: HERSHKOWITZ,PHIL (A-Sonoma,ex1)
> Subject: RE: How to Pre-fill a formbean
> Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 18:14:30 -0800
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi,
> >From the loginAction, I am calling the database to
> retrieve default values
> for some of the fields the use must fill out on
> mainAction.jsp. The default
> values depend on the user ID.
> Phil
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