
I have prepared an object called PreparedData and put that in the request
scope: request.setAttribute("preparedData", preparedData);

Then in the JSP, I want to display that preparedData to a set of radio
button values:

<html:form action="/saveTest">
  <logic:iterate id="testOptions" name="preparedData"
    <html:radio property="selectedOption" value="<bean:write
name="testOptions" property="data"/>"/>

But of course, I cannot have a taglib within a taglib, as shown above. How
else can I do this? I basically need to access data using the bean:write and
insert that into another taglib. I think I can use:

<html:form action="/saveTest">
  <logic:iterate id="testOptions" name="preparedData"
    <html:radio property="selectedOption" value="<%
((PreparedData)request.getAttribute("preparedData")).getData() %>"/>

But I am trying to see if I can do it with struts taglibs.


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