Feel free to give snappy answers to stupid questions.
(1) In my Struts 1.0 web application, I had set the forward init
parameter for the ActionServlet to a custom one that all my forwards
would use as a base class. This custom class extended the ActionForward
class. While testing a migration to 1.1 (nightly build) my application
now throws ClassCastExceptions when I attempt to cast an ActionForward
returned from ActionMapping.findForward() to my custom base class as it
is no longer creating the forwards using the custom class I specified in
the forward init parameter. The documentation states that this has been
DEPRECATED in favor of placing a className attribute in each defined

I looked through the source for the nightly build and cannot even find
anything that looks for this init parameter anymore. My assumption is
that this has not been DEPRECATED but REMOVED and you can no longer
define a custom base class for the ActionForward. If you still can, I'm
puzzled as to how to do this. So...it looks like I will have to add the
className to each forward tag in the struts-config.xml. Is this correct?

If so, it seems like we lost a feature here. Maybe there's good reason
for this so I thought I'd find out. In any case, it properly would be
good to add these changes to the release notes and change the
ActionServlet documentation to indicate that this (and other) init
parameters have been removed and no longer function as they did with
1.0.2. Also, the user guide refers to many of these parameters and this
documentation also need to be updated.

(2) As I was looking at the ActionServlet Javadoc I noticed mention of
many other init parameters that have been DEPRECATED and are now
entrusted to the <controller> element of the struts-config.xml. Other
than the .dtd and the Javadoc for the ControllerConfig class, I didn't
notice many other documentation changes to reflect this. Minimally, I
think the struts-config.xml in the struts-blank.war or
struts-example.war should expose (and show an example of) this new
element in the struts-config.xml as developers migrating their
applications will probably ask the same question. Am I missing some
documentation that explains these and other issues when migrating from
1.0.x to 1.1? 

An idea as I was writing this: Have the ActionServlet in 1.1 log any
init parameters that have been set but are no longer used. This could
include some troubleshooting message (i.e. move the value to the
<controller> element).

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

bill boland

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