

now it works :) It was indeed the second method which did the trick.

Friendly Regards,

At 14:02 21/03/2002 +0100, you wrote:

> > Hi,
> >
> > Thanks for your answer, but I'm not sure I understood it.
> >
> > You say, if I understand it right, that my first try (using the html tag
> > Struts) wasn't correct.
> > And that my second try (using simple html tag) should work.
>Your second try is mixing JSP tag with escaped and non-escaped quotes
>1. <option value="<bean:write name=\"elt\" property=\"name\"/>">
>2. <option value="<bean:write name="elt" property="name"/>">
>The parsing of a line in jsp like (2) looks like this:
>response.write("<option value=\"");
>bean_write_jsp_tag.setName( "elt" );
>bean_write_jsp_tag.setProperty( "name" );
>As you can see, attributes of your bean:write XML Tag are the parameters off
>the JSP Tag Library
>that should give in the HTML response :
><option value="foo">
>(where "foo" is the value of the property "name" of the bean "elt")
>If you escape the quotes like in (1), the jsp tag call is malformed
>regardless to XML syntax and the parser cannot correctly generate java code
>for your JSP.
>So, (2) should work. Be carreful off closing all JSP tags, to conform to XML
>with a closing tag like <html:form> ... </html:form> or implicitly like
> > > Is that right ? > Because, the problem is that neither of them work 
> :( > > Friendly Regards, > Slimane > > PS: I'm sorry if I misunderstood 
> your mail. > > At 12:11 21/03/2002 +0100, you wrote: > >1. > >"> is not 
> valid because JSP tag syntax is XML styled, i.e. a tag call > >cannot 
> include another tag as attribute. Instead you can use 
> scriplet > >notation if the tld file declare that the attribute can be 
> JSP content > >(oposite to a constant value) : " > (...) 2. Would work 
> because JSP parser > >don't parse HTML tags as XML, but just as text 
> datas to include in HTTP > >response. This tag is correctly XML 
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