You could just the bean properties from the returned object.
Say each one had a "name" attribute, to write it out...

<logic:iterate id="iterateBean" ....>
    <bean:write name="iterateBean" property="" />
    <bean:write name="iterateBean" property="" />

Nested tags version...
<nested:iterate property="myCollection>
    <nested:write property="" />
    <nested:write property="" />

Either one will do what you're after.


hemant wrote:

>Here is a scenario. (Struts 1.0.2.)
>I get a collection of objects and each object holds references to 2 more objects, 
>which are essentially beans. I want to iterate, and get data from both these beans at 
>once but the iterate tag allows only "one bean id declaration" per "iterate" as shown 
>below (unless Iam  wrong and should be thrown into hell for such an assumption)
><logic:iterate collection="ldmbean" id="crapValueObj">
>I wish there was a way to say 
><logic:iterate collection="ldmbean" id="crapValueObj", "moreCrapValueObj">
>// get data from both crapValueObj and moreCrapValueObj
>Thanks 4 your time

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