Hi there,

we've got a problem Deploying Struts on WebSphere 401 running on OS390. The
ActionServlet seems to be initialized correctly, though it parses the
struts-config.xml and calls actionMapping().

The Problem is, that we can access neither servlets nor JSPs, but simple
HTML-Pages. Attached is an extract from the server-log and the DDs.

TIA, Andre Kreich

(See attached file: StrutsMailingListePostWebSphereLogExtract.txt)(See attached
file: struts-config.xml)(See attached file: web.xml)(See attached file:
ibm-web-ext.xmi)(See attached file: ibm-web-bnd.xmi)
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Attachment: StrutsMailingListePostWebSphereLogExtract.txt
Description: Text - character set unknown

Attachment: struts-config.xml
Description: Binary data

Attachment: web.xml
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ibm-web-ext.xmi
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ibm-web-bnd.xmi
Description: Binary data

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