
the new version of the Form-to-VO and VO-to-Form mapper is now available at 


It allows you to perform in ONE line of code the mapping between




by simply writing FormToVOMapper.map(exampleForm, new ExampleVO()) or
VOToFormMapper.map(exampleVO, new ExampleForm()).

New features/bug fixes:
- Date format is now configurable via System properties
- fixed support for nested elements
- added support for Boolean (any new type can be added in less than 2

Future enhancements:
- support for primitive types
- support for nested Collections

Documentation is extensive both on the HTML page and in the code. JUnit
tests are provided with the distribution.

It's still a "0.9beta" release because I wanted to get the enhancements in
before the 1.0 but the code has been running with no problems in our project
for 4 months now.

Any feedback is appreciated :)


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