Since you are calling ""   directly, formbean calls validate() method before 
forwarding to appropriate action class and hence the erros are displayed.
Call your form using this  http://localhost:8080/starrd/pages/app/Name.jsp   initially 
and set action="/app/names" while  submitting. 
Hope that may help .

Anant Sagar

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dick Starr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "struts-user" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 8:50 AM
Subject: getting validation errors on initial display of a form

> I am new to Struts and am using Ted's sample logon app as my basis for
> learning. His part works fine. I added a new jsp page that contains two
> fields, created a form bean & an action form with validation edits. My
> problem is that when I execute my form via
> http://localhost:8080/starrd/app/ I get validation errors appearing
> immediately (before I enter any data in the form). I can't believe thats
> normal: I must be doing something wrong.
> Thanks in advance for the help.
> Dick Starr
> Here's the pertinent parts of my struts-config:
>   <form-beans>
>   <form-bean
>     name="nameForm"
>     type=""/>
>   <global-forwards>
>     <forward
>       name="names"
>       path="/app/"/>
>   <action-mappings>
>     <action
>       path="/app/names"
>       type=""
>       name="nameForm"
>       scope="request"
>       validate="true"
>       input="/pages/app/Name.jsp">
>       <forward
>         name="continue"
>         path="/pages/app/Name.jsp"/>
>     </action>
> Here's my Name.jsp:
> <!-- Name.jsp 2002/01/21 RJS -->
> <%@ page language="java" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-bean" prefix="bean" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-html" prefix="html" %>
> <html><head><title><bean:message key=""/></title></head>
> <html:base/>
> <body>
> <html:errors/>
> <html:form action="/app/names" focus="name">
> <table border="0" width="100%">
> <tr><th align="right">Name:</th><td align="left">
>   <html:text property="name"/></td>
> </tr>
> <tr><th align="right">Address line one:</th><td align="left">
>   <html:text property="addr1"/></td>
> <tr>
> <td align="right"><html:submit property="submit" value="Submit"/></td>
> <td align="left"><html:reset/></td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> </html:form>
> </body>
> </html>
> <%--
> Allow user to submit username and password to logon action.
> --%>
> Here's the pertinent parts of
> public final class SANameAction extends Action
> {
>   public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,
>             ActionForm form,
>             HttpServletRequest request,
>             HttpServletResponse response)
>         throws IOException, ServletException
>   {
>     // Obtain fields from web tier
>     String name = ((SANameForm) form).getName();
>     String addr1 = ((SANameForm) form).getAddr1();
>     // Log this event, if appropriate
>     if (servlet.getDebug() >= SAConstants.DEBUG)
>     {
>       StringBuffer message =
>         new StringBuffer("SANameAction: name = ");
>           message.append(name);
>           message.append(", addr1 = ");
>           message.append(addr1);
>           servlet.log(message.toString());
>     }
>     // Forward control to the welcome URI
>     // specified in the configuration.
>     return (mapping.findForward(SAConstants.WELCOME));
>   }
> } // End SANameAction
> Here's the pertinent parts of
> public final class SANameForm extends ActionForm
> {
>   // ---- Instance Variables
>   private String name = null;
>   private String addr1 = null;
>   // ---- Properties
>   public String getName()
>   {
>     return (;
>   }
>   public void setName(String name)
>   {
> = name;
>   }
>   public String getAddr1()
>   {
>     return (this.addr1);
>   }
>   public void setAddr1(String addr1)
>   {
>     this.addr1 = addr1;
>   }
> // ---- Public Methods
>     public void reset(ActionMapping mapping,
>         HttpServletRequest request)
>     {
>       setName(null);
>       setAddr1(null);
>     }
>     public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping,
>                                  HttpServletRequest request)
>     {
>       ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
>       if ((name == null) || (name.length() < 1))
>         errors.add("name",
>           new ActionError(""));
>       if ((addr1 == null) || (addr1.length() < 1))
>         errors.add("addr1",
>           new ActionError("app.error.addr1.required"));
>       return errors;
>     }
> } // End SANameForm
> When I first execute the form via  http://localhost:8080/starrd/app/
> I immediately (before entering any data or executing the submit button) I
> get validation errors displayed for name and addr1 and get the following in
> my log file:
> 2002-01-21 20:19:19 action: Processing a GET for /app/names
> 2002-01-21 20:19:19 action:  Looking for ActionForm bean under attribute
> 'nameForm'
> 2002-01-21 20:19:19 action:  Creating new ActionForm instance of class
> ''
> 2002-01-21 20:19:19 action:  Storing instance under attribute 'nameForm' in
> scope 'request'
> 2002-01-21 20:19:19 action:  Populating bean properties from this request
> 2002-01-21 20:19:19 action:  Validating input form properties
> 2002-01-21 20:19:19 action:   Validation error(s), redirecting to:
> /pages/app/Name.jsp
> Then if I fill in the two fields with data, I do not get validation errors
> (which is correct). Then this is what is in my log:
> 2002-01-21 20:19:37 action: Processing a POST for /app/names
> 2002-01-21 20:19:37 action:  Looking for ActionForm bean under attribute
> 'nameForm'
> 2002-01-21 20:19:37 action:  Creating new ActionForm instance of class
> ''
> 2002-01-21 20:19:37 action:  Storing instance under attribute 'nameForm' in
> scope 'request'
> 2002-01-21 20:19:37 action:  Populating bean properties from this request
> 2002-01-21 20:19:37 action:  Validating input form properties
> 2002-01-21 20:19:37 action:   No errors detected, accepting input
> 2002-01-21 20:19:37 action:  Looking for Action instance for class
> 2002-01-21 20:19:37 action: SANameAction: name = data1, addr1 = data2
> 2002-01-21 20:19:37 action: Processing a POST for /app/welcome
> 2002-01-21 20:19:37 action:  Looking for Action instance for class
> --
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