alternatively, use poolman, which although 'dead' can still be had from 
Sourceforge. i'm also using Struts / Tomcat (3.2 however) and Oracle (all on 
*nix). I haven't tried Tomcat / Struts pooling, but opted for poolman instead 
and found it easy to setup

On Friday 22 Mar 2002 12:04 pm, you wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Lessons learned from using Struts, Tomcat and Oracle
> Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 19:43:22 -0800 (PST)
> From: "Walter S. So" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Ted,
> I just want to share this information in case someone else also
> goes through the same problems I did.  I was able to come up
> with this solution after spending an entire afternoon searching
> through the net and archives, so if it saves people a few hours
> of debugging, I'll be happy.  I am not sure how to categorize it
> or even which mailing list to send this, whether it should go to
> Tomcat, Struts, or Tyrex, so I decided to send it to you since
> you are active in Jakarta.
> My goal was to set up a Connection Pooled DataSource using
> Oracle running Struts on Tomcat.  I use Tomcat 4.0.3, Struts
> 1.1-b1-lib, Oracle 8.1.7 "" running on Windows 98,
> but it should work well on Solaris/Linux.
> Initially, I set up the Oracle JDBC drivers under my webapp and
> used the <datasource> in struts-config.xml to access Oracle.  My
> application consistently hung after the pool was exhausted.
> (For example, if I set the minCount and maxCount to "10", my
> webapp would hang after 10 requests)  The problem of Oracle
> connections not being returned properly by the Struts pool was
> well documented in the mailing list, so I switched the
> datasource from struts-config.xml to tomcat's server.xml.  I
> followed the instructions in the Tomcat jndi-resources-howto and
> copied the Oracle drivers to common/lib after renaming the
> "" to "classes12.jar" as suggested by the mailing
> list.
> I found my webapp wasn't running properly as the servlet would
> stop executing after context.lookup().  This bothered me because
> Tomcat was not throwing any exceptions. After some more
> research, I changed the debug level in server.xml from "0" to
> "99".  This time, the log generated showed a
> java.lang.ClassCastException: tyrex.jdbc.xa.EnabledDataSource
> when the lookup() is called.  A post in the tomcat-dev mailing
> list provided the answer:  There was a conflict in the jars of
> tomcat and the webapp.  True enough, I found a
> jdbc2_0-stdext.jar (83KB) that came in tomcat\common\lib, and a
> jdbc2_0-stdext.jar (7KB) that i had unpacked from Struts to my
> web-app.  After deleting the 7KB jar, the lookup() executed
> properly.
> To sum up, when using a DataSource in Tomcat and Struts in the
> webapp, make sure to remove the extraneous jdbc2_0-stdext.jar
> that comes with the Struts Lib. :)
> Hope that helps,
> Walter
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