See intermixed.


"Struts Newsgroup (" wrote:

> Subject: How do I use Tiles w/ iFrame
> From: "Matt Raible" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  ===
> Simple Scenario:
> ---------------------------------------------
> I want to define a template (layout.jsp) that contains an iframe.
> <layout.jsp>
>      <iframe src="<tiles:getAsString name="page"/>" id="window"
> frameborder="0"></iframe>
> </layout.jsp>
> <tile-config.xml>
>      <definition name="login" extends="/layout.jsp">
>           <put name="title.key" value="login.title"/>
>           <put name="heading.key" value="login.heading"/>
>           <put name="page" value="/pages/login.jsp"/>
>       </definition>
> </tiles-config.xml>
> Question:  I haven't been able to do with without specifying the context as
> a prefix for the page URL - I have to put /context/pages/login.jsp for the
> "page" value.  Is there a way to get around putting the context in there?

  There is no way to put "dynamically" the context path in a definition declared
in the xml file.
  Solutions to this situations are :

   * hard code the context in the xml file. Not very nice, and will cause trouble
     when your context will change.
   * Add context when you retrieve the path in the jsp :
     <iframe src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/<tiles:getAsStringname="page"/>"

> More Complicated Scenario:
> ---------------------------------------------
> Ideally, I'd like to use the model above, but have the page value reference
> a URL to another definition.
> <put name="page" value="another.def"/>
> Where another.def extends a different layout.
> Question:  Is this possible? When I tried value="another.def", it inserted
> the actual page HTML after <iframe src=

  It is not clear to me what you are really trying to do ...

> Real Complicated Scenario:
> ---------------------------------------------
> No answer really needed on this one...
> What I'm trying to accomplish is that a user will login to the application,
> and at this point I will set a cookie based on their role.  Their role
> determines which sub-application they are routed too.  The sub-applications
> have different layouts.
> When a user returns to the site after logging in the first time, I want to
> skin the login page with the look/feel of the sub-application.  Here is my
> login.jsp at this point (This file is referenced for form-based
> authentication)
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tiles.tld" prefix="tiles" %>
> <tiles:insert definition="login" flush="true" />
> I plan to do some cookie checking to swich the definition from login to a
> sub-app login definition.
> Does this sound reasonable?  Or should I just attempt to use CSS and
> positioning to change the look and feel?  The problem I have is that one
> sub-app uses the layout with the iframe, so the user gets the feeling that
> they are never leaving the page.  As an example, here is a prototype, where
> "This is a simple HTML page" is a separate page that will use a different
> layout.
> The outer layout with the image will probably only have a couple
> definitions - 1 for the login, and 1 for a JSP/Servlet that renders dynamic
> pages based on other information.

  Have you check new examples coming with Tiles, especially the "dynamic skin
layout" ?

> I'm probably just blabbing cause I'm tired, but when you're a team of one,
> some times you just need to get this stuff in writing.
> Thanks,
> Matt
> --
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