
I've got some i18n jsp pages which work so far by using commands like:

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bn"%>
<%  setLocale(session, request); %>
<bn:message key="msg.title.selectimages"/>

The problem is that now I've got some java code within the jsp
where I need to include some internationalisation - which
obviously won't work with <bn:message key= ...

I've tried things like searching through the code that the jsp generate but
this is just a mess and the messages are retrieved in some weired,
way that doesnt have to do with getMessage() - which is supposed to be the
usual way - maybe someone could explain me this btw too.

The question i'm asking is how to access the already used locale that is
by setLocale. Code like

MessageResources transmessages = getMessageResources();
strPath = transmessages.getMessage("image.nothumbnail");

won't work for me - it can't even find getMessageResources()
even though i'vd done a

<%@ page import="org.apache.struts.util.*" %>

Hope you can help me!


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