My vote:
Chapter 13.     Struts and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)

Thank you,


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 3:32 PM
Subject: Preview OReilly Struts Chapters Online - Soon

It looks like I'm going to get approval to post preview chapters from my
OReilly Struts book somewhere on the net. There are still a few preliminary
things that have to be worked out, but I don't think they will be a big
deal. There are a few things that I'm not sure about yet. If anyone has an
opinion, please let me know.

First, where to post them. I was thinking about talking with the folks at, but might also be worth posting them here in the user
mailing list as well. I'm not sure. Anyone know of a good reason to go
either way. I'm a little afraid of the flood of emails to everyone's box
that this could generate, but it might also generate some good discussions?

Also, because of time and everything that's going on, I doubt that I'll be
able to post all of them. So which ones are of the most interest? Here's
what I thought:

Chapter 2.      The Web Server/Servlet Container Relationship
Chapter 3.      Overview of the Struts Framework
Chapter 4.      Configuring web.xml and struts-config.xml
Chapter 5.      Struts Controller Components
Chapter 6.      Struts Model Components
Chapter 8.      Custom Tag Libraries
Chapter 10.     Exception Handling
Chapter 12.     Internationalization and Localization
Chapter 13.     Struts and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
Chapter 16.     Using Alternate Presentation Technologies
Chapter 18.     Logging in a Struts Application
Chapter 19.     Addressing Performance
Chapter 20.     Packaging your Struts Application
Chapter 21.     Struts Design Strategies

(As many as I could get to before I finish the book)

Anyone would be able to download the chapters, read them, and send me their
comments (both good and bad). I'll make any neccessary changes to the source
document. I would probably post a new one every week or so.

This may take a couple of weeks to get everything setup, but I have 9 that
are ready to go. I also have a complete 1.1 storefront application that I
could make available. It's what I'm using to showcase the Struts framework.
It will eventually include every 1.1 feature in it.

Let me know what everyone thinks.

Chuck Cavaness
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