> All,
> I have been migrating a smaller Tomcat/MySQL application to Struts and
> run into a problem.
> I have completely converted the app to Struts and hit a snag when I
> the DataSource tag into the struts-config.xml. It began to generate
> find ActionMappings" errors in the html and in the logs it could not find
> the database, asking "Is there a MySQL database running on this server?"
> My Tomcat 4.0 (on RH 7.1) is running with security and I added these lines
> to the conf/catalina.policy file, each on as nothing else seemed to work:
> grant CodeBase "file:${catalina.home}/webapps/myapp/-" {
>         permission java.security.AllPermission;
>         };
> grant CodeBase "file:${catalina.home}/webapps/myapp/WEB-INF/classes/-" {
>         permission java.security.AllPermission;
>         };
> grant CodeBase "file:${catalina.home}/webapps/myapp/WEB-INF/lib-" {
>         permission java.security.AllPermission;
>         };
> grant CodeBase
> {
>         permission java.security.AllPermission;
>         };
> None of these worked either. When I commented out the datasource tag
> everything except the database started working and then when I commented
> back in, nothing. I finally turned off the security manager and everything
> including the database works now, with the datasource tag in the
> struts-config.xml in there as it should be. Has anyone else had this
> problem? In the local user's group, someone else had the same problem on a
> WIN2K box with MySQL (and a different version of the mm.mysql.driver as
> well) and they still haven't solved it either.
> The appropriate section of the struts-config.xml looks like the following:
> <data-sources>
>     <data-source
>             autoCommit="false"
>             autoReconnect="true"
>             description="Data Source"
>             driverClass="org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver"
>             maxCount="4"
>             minCount="2"
>             password="whatever"
>             url="jdbc:mysql://myserver:3306/4po"
>             user="servlet"
>     />
> </data-sources>
> What is the conflict with the security manager or am I messing something
> myself?
> Steve

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