The mm mysql jdbc driver has a last_insert_id() method to call after an
insert.   It's the only way the driver returns you that info.    What I
don't know though is how "accurate" it is?    I think you can shoot
yourself in the foot if the call to it is not properly encapsulated within
a thread-safe/synchronized context.     I'd hate for a call to
last_insert_id() to return a different id (someone else's insert that just
so happened between my insert and the call to last_insert_id()).

Therefore I think encapsulating this within a sync method and having an
action invoke it (like someone else on this group mentioned) may be the way
to go on this.


                    Newsgroup            To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]        
                    <struts@baseb        cc:                                           
          >            Subject:     Re: Hi Folks, 2 questions about 
Actions and their 
                    10:40 AM                                                           
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Subject: Re: Hi Folks, 2 questions about Actions and their instance
From: Vic Cekvenich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Imeditely calling is not good enough. You must use a JDBC driver
specific call that returns the last "affected rows" ID.
This gives you the new PK.


>>>There are 2 different path elements but both refer to the same Action
> class
>>>instance...    Does this mean 2 static instances of
>>>BillingActionPreloadForm will exist or will only just 1 exist between
> the 2
>>>different action mappings that link to the same class?
>>I don't know, but it doesn't matter.  You should always assume that
>>any specific instance of an Action class could potentially serve multiple
>>threads at once.  Or else what's the point of putting your app on the
>>web?  ;-)
> Reason I brought this up is that I plan to use mysql.    Mysql has those
> AUTO INCREMENT fields and I want to insert a record and immediately call
> last_index_id()  to get the newly inserted row.    If I do this is just
> and only one action, I may be able to prevent a timing/race condition by
> which last_index_id() may accidentally be returned from the wrong insert.
> I definitely want to prevent that from happening.
> thanks,
> Theron
>                     Jim Crossley
>                     <jcrossley@if        To:     Struts Users Mailing
>           >            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>                                          cc:
>                     04/01/02             Subject:     Re: Hi Folks, 2
questions about Actions and their
>                     09:02 AM             instance
>                     Please
>                     respond to
>                     Struts Users
>                     Mailing List
> [...]
>>So here's my 2 question(s):
>>1.   I then assume that "perform()" is synchronized
> No.  If all data objects are local to the perform method, there's no
> reason for it to be synchronized.  If the data objects referred to in
> perform are shared, then their access should probably be synchronized,
> but not necessarily.
>>2.  What about those cases where 2 different action mappings resort to
> the
>>same action class?
> [...]
>>There are 2 different path elements but both refer to the same Action
> class
>>instance...    Does this mean 2 static instances of
>>BillingActionPreloadForm will exist or will only just 1 exist between the
> 2
>>different action mappings that link to the same class?
> I don't know, but it doesn't matter.  You should always assume that
> any specific instance of an Action class could potentially serve multiple
> threads at once.  Or else what's the point of putting your app on the
> web?  ;-)
> -- Jim
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