Subject: Re: problem installing Apache 1.3.24 + Tomcat 4.0.3 + Struts 1.1b + Warp 
From: "Hyunjin Kim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I have changed my struts action servlet mapping from *.do to /execute/, and
not it gets invoked correctly when called from apache.. so i am now back on
the developing mode..

but, if there's a way for the apache to correctly forward the .do request to
tomcat 4 struts va warp, I would love to hear that.


"Hyunjin Kim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:a80tbh$gl4$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi,
> I am not subscriber to this mailing list, so if you can cc my
> email([EMAIL PROTECTED]), I will really appreciate.
> I am trying to install struts 1.1beta on Tomcat 4.0.3 that¡¯s connected to
> Apache HTTP server by warp connector (OS is Linux ? RedHat 7.1). Warp
> connector was configured nicely and works fine (JSPs works fine when
> by apache).
> Then, I installed struts on Tomcat 4.0.3 and deployed example and
> documentation and they work fine when called by Tomcat
> (http://localhost:8080/struts-example will work fine..). However,
> of those two applications will not generate tomcat-apache.conf file as
> described in struts installation document. So.. as a workaround, I created
> tomcat-apache.conf by hand and added
> AddHandler jserv-servlet .do
> To the tomcat-apache.conf file, then added
> Include /usr/local/apache/conf/tomcat-apache.conf
> To httpd.conf file. (passed ./apachectl configtest.)
> My httpd.conf file looks like:
> <VirtualHost>
>              ServerName
>              ErrorLog logs/
>              WebAppConnection connect warp
>              WebAppDeploy foo connect /
> </VirtualHost>
> I know the warp connector is configured correctly because I can access
> and execute jsps. However, when I try to execute .do calls,
> Apache tries to find the actual .do **FILE** instead of executing Action
> servlet.
> I don¡¯t think Apache knows about the existence of jserv-servlet handler.
> is that handler just for AJP connector??
> If anyone has successfully configured Tomcat + Apache + Struts + Warp
> connector, your help would be greatly appreciated. And any one knows why
> tomcat didn¡¯t generate tomcat-apache.conf?????

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