Well, I got my IDEA (http://www.intellij.com/idea) configuration set up to 
run Struts under Tomcat in the debugger (thank goodness for built-in remote 
debugging support!).  Compiled the Struts source, compiled the 
struts-example source, started setting breakpoints and looking at things.

It turns out, as you all know, that the action names are post-mapping, so 
an /action/* servlet mapping converts an URI of 
/struts-example/action/logon to an action name of /logon.  It also, of 
course, turns out that all HREF entries and other paths *do* include the 
/action context.

Once I understood that, I was able to get rid of *.do.

Next time I won't be so quick to ask questions :-)

At 05:54 PM 4/9/2002 -0800, Rob Jellinghaus wrote:
>I am dinking around with the struts-example app, trying to convert it from 
>using *.do servlet mapping to /action/* servlet mapping.
>The problem is that it's extremely confusing!
>Where is the best explanation of how servlet mapping and struts-config.xml 
>interact?  Right now I tried changing all the *.do URLs to be /action/* 
>instead, throughout the .jsp's and struts-config.xml, and let's just say 
>it didn't work.  In fact, there are situations where *no* permutation of 
>URLs works.
>I am sure there are some basic things I'm not understanding about how base 
>URLs, servlet URL mapping (I'm using Tomcat), and Struts action lookup 
>work.  But how to learn better?
>All clues appreciated.
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