You can not nest tags in Struts. What you can do is do something like this:

<html:link page="/" paramId="species" paramName="myForm" 

Another note, using page is not recomended, it is better to define a forward 
in your Struts-config.xml and use "forward" instead of page.



On Thu, 11 Apr 2002 17:52, you wrote:
> Hello,
> can anyone show me how to manage that
> I can do the following: under out_put there is an
> ArrayList of OutDataForms that take the records of
> a ResultSet.
> <logic:interate id="myForm"
>         name="out_put"
>         scope="request"
>         type="org.apache.struts.example.OutDataForm">
>     <bean:write name="myForm" property="spec"/>
>     <html:link page="/<bean:write name="myForm"
> property="spec"/>">
>             <bean:write name="myForm" property="name"/>
>     </html:link>
> </logic:interate>
> In my SelectAction (/ I would like to access the species String:
> request.getParameter("species");
> and query the database again to edit or delete this row.
> Everything works fine except that the ?species=.. parameter to the
> link-Tag seems to be forbidden.
> But I need the link to expedite the value to the action.
> What can I do?
> Thanks
> Wolfgang

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