Hi guys,

this one is for the Websphere GURUS!!!

I'm running Websphere 4.0 Advanced single server with struts 1.1b1... or
at least trying to...

After digging more into the problem, I found out that the
default_stderr.log file tells me that the exception being thrown is
NoClassDefFound org/apache/struts/taglib/html/BaseHandlerTag...

I see that the action is executed completely. Only when trying to
compile the JSP is that it crashes... 

I have my struts.jar in the lib directory of my WEB-INF app. 
I also noticed that there's a struts.jar on the admin application, and
this jar contains a org/apache/struts/taglib/BaseHandlerTag (no html

but my class loader on WAS40 is set to Application. So I assume that
this is not a problem...

Besides, i tried to expand the struts.jar under my WEB-INF/classes
directory and nothing...

My problem is why he can find some stuff (Action, ActionForm, Mapping,
etc), but is complaining about this one specifically... 
I already verify the jar file and the class is there...

Help, PLEEEEEASE, hehehe
I'm already on desperate mode here...


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