If the user submits a form and some server side validation is done and
the jsp form returns to the user with some validation, what is the
best way to allow the user to clear the form and start over. Having a
<html:reset> button whill only clear new things they enter, and
refreshing is currently returning the same form with the same
validation errors. I was thinking maybe having a button labeled
"reset" but what it actually does is submit to an action that clears
out all the fields and then returns you? Is this a good way to do it,
or is there a better way with struts?

Thanks for any feedback.



"Why do people in ship mutinies always ask for 'better treatment'? I'd
ask for a pinball machine, because with all that rocking back and
forth you'd probably be able to get a lot of free games." 
  -Jack Handey

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