Hi folks:

I have a few forms that contain the same type of "template"...   I want to
create a generic template that uses a form bean.   This template needs to
handle form beans that are at the root level or a form bean that may be

So in one screen, the template will be at the root and not need to be
nested.  In another screen, the same template will need to be nested.  So
basically, I can contain my nested statements like:

<nested:root name="clientForm">
        <nested:nest property="billingForm">

outside the scope of the template and in the file that needs to invoke the
The actual template can contain the :

                                <td align="left">
                                                size="10" styleId="small"/>

type tags...
So here's my question:

Even if a form bean is at the root and not nested at all, can I still
declare it to be nested, only define it at the root?  So billingForm for
example could be:
<nested:root name="billingForm">

even if it is at the topmost level?   Is this normal or should I avoid it?
If this is legal, then I will be able to literally plug and play these
templates into other screens and will have one common layout repository.


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