Hi All,

I am wondering about a design issue since I can not figure out why Craig 
implemented in that way. Any light or opinion would be appreciated.

The point is that usually, AFAIK, results from database queries are planned 
to be stored in ArrayLists of beans. This ArrayList of beans is sent to the 
JSP which, in turns, by using <logic:iterator> and <bean:write> tags can, 
for instance, work out a table.

After many headaches, we choosed to do the same by using an ArrayList of 
HashMaps. HasMaps are filled with results from database with the same info 
that beans. In our humble opinion, storing each database row in a hashmap is 
easier vs storing in a specific bean. The points are:

- In both cases info about database headers is stored once for each row, 
either get/set methods or key value of the hashmap, (no difference in this 

- However a general ArrayList of HashMaps can be enought for holding all the 
database result queries vs a specific bean for each query in the Craig 
appproach. This would become the system much more mainteinable, since we 
have a general holder for all the queries rather than a specific one.

We developed a tag to inspect a value in the hashmap indexed by a key and 
render such a value to the JSP, equivalent to how <bean:write> inspects a 
get*** method of the bean to get the parameter.

The question is:

Is there any performance cost or design problem with this approach? Why 
Craig did not take it?

Any comments in relation with this design are very welcome.



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