I'd seriously recommend using sp11 - sp9 has some serious JSP issues that
might be the cause of this.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rakesh N R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 17 April 2002 4:55 PM
Subject: struts and wls5.1sp9 problem 


 I am using WLServer 5.1 sp9. While running the Struts sample example I
had got an exception

"javax.servlet.ServletException: runtime failure in custom tag 'html'"

While searching the net i found out that the site had suggested a
by setting CLASSPATH to WEB-INF/classes in startWeblogic.cmd (I am using

exploded format of war file). I did the same and still the problem of
ApplicationResource.properties not found persists. I also used the patch
for service pack 8 but it doesnt work with sp9. I would request you to
suggest a way to solve the problem. Thanks in Advance.


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