
-----Original Message-----
From: Honman Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 6:03 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [ANN] First two beta chapters of O'Reilly Struts book are

Where on the site is it available?  Thanks for putting it out there.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 2:46 PM
Subject: [ANN] First two beta chapters of O'Reilly Struts book are

I wanted to let everyone know that the first two beta chapters from my
O'Reilly Struts book are available for download from You have to register an account to be able to
download the chapters. This is their policy, not mine. I believe this is
true even if you wanted to join the discussion group or post a question.

The chapters have not been through a formal editing process yet. Therefore,
you will find typos, run-ons, fragments, and various other incorrect usages
of the English language. All of the chapters will eventually go through a
formal review by individuals that spent four or more years of their lives
learning how to construct a proper sentence, for which I have yet to figure

 The purpose of providing the chapters so early is twofold. The first reason
is to get the material to the community as quickly as possible. There have
been a multitude of new features added to the framework for 1.1, and
hopefully the information within the book will be valuable to the Struts
developer community. Obviously, I incur great peril in doing this, in the
off chance that I stink as a writer. Hopefully, you won't find that to be
true. But in either case, don't worry; everything will be edited before
being published. 

The other reason to allow the chapters to be made public before they are
final is to ask anyone that cares to participate, to help out in the editing
process. The chapters are in MS Word format, with the track changes option
on. As you type in the document, your text should appear in a different
color, which allows me to see your recommended changes. Once you have
completed any changes, suggestions, or just general comments on how good the
chapter is (I hope), just email a copy of the resulting document to:


Feel free to correct any general language problems that you find. More
importantly however, if you see any confusing sections, technical mistakes,
or would like me to add something that is not there, that would be very
beneficial. Where appropriate, I've also included the source code for the
chapter within the ZIP file that you download. Feel free to view it, modify
it, or reuse it, as you need. In some cases, entire web applications are
included, along with ant build scripts. If you detect problems or issues
there, feel free to mention those in the document as well.

I will incorporate all of the changes back into the master document. You
might ask, "What do I get for doing this?" This is the great thing about
being an editor (ask any of them), you get the satisfaction of knowing you
helped to make a published work better. Of course, you also get to keep the
word documents for reference, as long as you promise to buy a copy of the
book, (Just kidding on that part!) and everyone will get a collective thank
you in the acknowledgments of the book. Unfortunately, I won't be able to
thank everyone personally, but if anyone goes beyond the call of duty, I
will add a personal thank you. Space is limited on this page, I have a wife
and three boys to thank, or they will kick me out of the house.

I will make new chapters available every few weeks on the site, and this
will go on until all of the chapters have been edited and sent off to the
printer. There's no real schedule right now as to which chapters will be
available when. I have to be careful that it doesn't impact my overall
schedule, which I must hit. I have received a great deal of input from
everyone about which chapters are the most important to them and I will try
to follow that order, as long as it makes sense from the standpoint of the
table of contents. There are dependencies in writing books, just as there
are in software.

I hope everyone gets some value out of this. It will definitely make the
book much, much, better than it would be on its own.



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