Try  placing a 'do' and the end of  "/searchresultaction":

<forward name="searchresultaction"     path="/"/>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Struts Newsgroup" <@[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 11:55 AM
Subject: ActionForward to another Action bean

> Subject: ActionForward to another Action bean
> From: Harsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  ===
> In "Struts:Fast Track" book, chapter 7 has explained how to pass data
> from  one action bean to another.
> I am trying same thing except instead of using  "/do/* action servlet
> mapping I am using "*.do"
> Here is how my strut-config.xml looks like
> <!-- search -->
>     <action    path="/search"
>                    type="com.action.SearchAction"
>                    name="SearchForm"
>                    scope="request"
>                    validate="false"
>                    input="/search.jsp">
>     <forward name="searchresultaction"     path="/searchresultaction"/>
>     </action>
> <!-- searchresult -->
> <action   path="/searchresultaction"
>               type="com.action.SearchResultAction"
>               scope="request"
>               input="/searchresult.jsp">
>     <forward name="searchresultpg"     path="/searchresult.jsp"/>
> In SearchAction class I am forwarding the control to next action bean
> which is suppose to display the searchresult.jsp
>         // forward control to the specified success URI*/
>        return (mapping.findForward("searchresultaction"));
> but I get the following error
> message: Invalid path /searchresultaction was requested
> description: The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect
> (Invalid path /searchresultaction was requested).
> I am certainly doing it wrong.
> Since example has shown how it can be done I am sure Action can forward
> to Action class but except this above problem.
> Please help me with your inputs.
> Thanks for taking time to read my email
> -harsh
> --
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