I think you present very good points and I agree with
you.  I think that it would be good to perhaps merge
the Struts Console work in with the JForms work.  What
do you think Emmanuel?  Perhaps create a new open
source project on SourceForge or something?  Right now
a gent from Sun is looking into better integration of
the Struts Console with NetBeans/Forte.  I've also had
interest from a group to integrate the Struts Console
with Eclipse.


--- Danilo Luiz Rheinheimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> At 13:55 23/4/2002 -0700, you wrote:
> >Subject: [ANN] JForms - a visual tool for
> Struts-based Web forms
> >From: "Dave Barber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >  ===
> >Announcing SolanaSoft JForms, a visual tool for
> rapid creation of
> >Struts-based Web forms.  JForms let you define the
> properties to capture in
> >a form, along with data types, and basic
> validation, then generates all of
> >the required Struts actions, forms, JSPs,
> application resources, error
> >messages, and configuration files.  Finally, JForms
> compiles, packages, and
> >deploys a WAR file to an embedded Tomcat app server
> for easy testing of the
> >form.
> >
> >Its currently in beta, and we're still looking for
> a few volunteers to try
> >it out.
> >
> >There is an online demonstration available at the
> website, and you can send
> >an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to sign up for the
> beta program.
>    I saw the online demo and I think this kind of
> tool is very useful.
>    But I think this tool (as Struts Console) must be
> very integrated with 
> the IDE to be really good.
>    On JForm the demo talks about create a WAR file
> and do the deployment. I 
> do not think this is the function of this tool. The
> IDE must do it. Even 
> because create the form is just the begin of the
> job. After this you must 
> create the code to forward the submited data,
> interate with the database 
> and so on.
>    The ideal tool to do this can be just like Struts
> console + some wizards 
> to create forms (like JForms do) + better
> integration with the IDE.
>    I use Struts Console in JBuilder but I feel a
> lack of integration with 
> the IDE. For example on the type property of the
> forms beans I need to type 
> my form class. Could be nice if I have a button to
> do the search of classes 
> on my project.
>    Of course to do it Struts must know about the
> classes avaliable on the 
> project, so it must have some kind of callback
> functions to the IDE. But 
> this can be implemented in a generic way so people
> can write this plugins 
> to the IDE of choice.
>    I know the creator of Struts console is a
> subscriber of this list so 
> what he think about this idea ?
> ----
> Danilo Luiz Rheinheimer
> Florianopolis/SC Brasil
> ----
> --
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