hi all,
Like all developers, I am trying to figure out why things aren't
my jsp uses an iterate tag.
<logic:iterate id="item" name="submitForm" property="goods">
  <td valign="top"><b>good description:<bean:write name="item"

I assume "item" is a local variable constructed to hold elements from
the java.util.List goods from the form in scope. So I suppose, it oculd
be anything. However, when trying to render its properties, I get an
error even when specifying its type:
javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean item in scope null at
On the other hand, this java code works fine:
SubmitForm myform = (SubmitForm)(request.getAttribute("submitForm"));
java.util.List goods = myform.getGoods();   PABean pabb =
out.print("good description = "+pabb.getDescription());

Are there extra steps I am missing? (I am using JBoss w/catalina)

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