we can't get logic:notEqual to work in the following snippet
We are trying to perform an action on the change of a string currency
the logic not equal always evaluates to true even though we set the current
value within the loop
I am i missing something obvious here?

        <bean:define id="dataSet"
        <%! String currencyBlock =""; %>

        <logic:iterate id="data" name="dataSet">
        <bean:define id="dataPoints" name="data" property="dataPoints"/>

        <logic:notEqual name="data" property="sortColumns.currencyCode"
              <td colspan=9></td>
        <logic:iterate id="dataPoint" name="dataPoints">
        <bean:define id="dataValue" name="dataPoint" property="value"
                <th nowrap="true"><bean:write  name="dataValue"
                        ExposureConcentrationExportVO dataTemp =
(ExposureConcentrationExportVO) data;
                        currencyBlock = (
Tom Lister
* 020 7612 3030

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