Graham -

Check out ArgoUML - it is java, it's open source, runs pretty much 
everywhere (I think), and it is pretty complete:

And this page has many design tools listed, a number of which are open/free:

good luck!


Graham Lounder wrote:

> Hello all,
> Using Struts, I've designed a nice web application to display mapping information.  
>Now I must explain how I built it to the other developers in the office.  I was 
>wondering if anyone knew any good free UML diagram software out there that would run 
>on windows?  Being this is still my first month on the job, I didn't want to go out 
>and ask for a version of MS Visio, bad karma and all.
> Thanks,
> Graham Lounder
> PS.  Thanks Ida for the answer to my logic:iterate question.

Jeffrey Bonevich
Ann Arbor, Michigan

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peod-cyninga,       prym gefrünon,
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