This probably isn't what you want to hear, but this
sounds like a great time to extend the logic tags in
your own application and create your own Custom tag.
There are a couple of examples in the example


 --- Rick Reumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Is
there a way to check multiple values on one line
> using such logic
> tags like "notEqual" or "present" ? I'm trying to
> convert a JSP over
> using struts tags and it's not going so well because
> I end up having
> all these logic tags all nested within each other.
> For example say I
> don't want to display a row of state information if
> the database query
> comes back missing a city, state, or zip code. In my
> page I have:
> if ( city != null && state != null && zip != null)
> {
>   out.println( city + ", " +state + " "
> +zip+"<BR>");
> }
> How do I accomplish the above in a clean fashion
> using the logic tags?
> It gets even worse when I have to accomplish:
> if ( manLastName != null &&
> !manLastName.equals("DUMMY") &&
>      manFirstName != null && 
> !manFirstName.equals("DUMMY") )
> {
>   out.println( "MP: "+manFirstName + " " +
> manLastName+"<BR>");
> }
> Ideally it would be nice if you could pass multiple
> parameters into a
> logic property attribute like...
> <logic:notEqual name="store"
> property="state,city,areaCode" value="">
> Which in the above would check all of those
> properties for not being
> an empty string? Is what I'm asking for possible
> with in struts?
> Thanks for any help.
> -- 
> Rick
> "The memories of my family outings are still a
> source of strength to
> me. I remember we'd all pile into the car - I forget
> what kind it was
> - and drive and drive. I'm not sure where we'd go,
> but I think there
> were some trees there. The smell of something was
> strong in the air as
> we played whatever sport we played. I remember a
> bigger, older guy we
> called Dad.' We'd eat some stuff, or not, and then I
> think we went
> home. I guess some things never leave you." 
>   -Jack Handey
> --
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