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I am trying to get the index of the current row inside an iterate tag so 
that a link on that row properly identifies itself to the subsequent action 
class. However, all I get is a Class Not Found error pointing to the 
collection I am iterating.

Here is my code:

<logic:iterate id="results" name="nameSearchResults" scope="session"    
<dhshtml:row oddColor="#9999ff" evenColor="#ccccff">
<html:link page='<%= "NameSearch/Details?selectedClient=" +   
nameSearchResults.getIndex() %>' >
<bean:write name="results" property="clientName"/>
<td><bean:write name="results" property="clientAddress"/></td>
<td><bean:write name="results" property="clientCity"/></td>
<td><bean:write name="results" property="clientState"/></td>
<td><bean:write name="results" property="clientBirthdate"/></td>
<td><bean:write name="results" property="clientSSN"/></td>

I have tried using both "nameSearchResults" and "results" followed by the 
getIndex() call.

What am I screwing up?


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