If "/foo" is mapped to "FooForm" bean, you can use

<bean:write name="FooForm" property="xxx" />

without changes to your <html:form>. bean:write will look in scopes for an
object called "FooForm". This has no effect with using html:form or not -
assuming FooForm is in session or request scope !

If you've got problem with this, perhaps you don't have such an existing
bean in scope. (look at the scope you setted in struts-config.xml).
<html:form> with a type attribute will create one if there's none. <html:
tags can work without such a bean, just displaying no initial data.


> Hi there, yet another question...
> Is there an easy way to just display some form bean
> properties?
> Let's say I've got a form defined as
> <html:form action="/foo">
> <html:text property="bar" />
> </html:form>
> Now I just want to display an additional value from
> the form bean as configured in the struts-config.xml
> file.
> As there's no <html:write> I have to use <bean:write>
> which on the other hand requires a "name".
> To get things working I have to change the first line
> to
> <html:form type="com.yoyodyne.FooAction" type="FooForm"
>  action="/foo">
> Is there a more elegant and less redundant way?
> ...Michael...
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