Subject: Re: Excel Export
From: Vic Cekvenich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
We need macros and formulas in Excel, so SOAP works here.
(Nice thing about MVC is that if the presenation layer changes 
(currently JSP) you can still use the beans with a ... Excel presenation).


Galbreath, Mark wrote:
> This is way too complicated.  All you have to do is set the MIME type in the
> setContentType() declaration in the servlet delivering the output to
> "application/vnd.msExcel" and the browser will automatically display the
> output in an Excel spreadsheet.
> Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Struts Newsgroup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 1:40 PM
> Subject: Re: Excel Export
> Subject: Re: Excel Export
>  ===
> Struts is Java. Excel is VBA. They don't like each other. One good way 
> is to expose your Java (Form) beans via SOAP.
> Then in Excel (using Pocket Soap client for example) write a VBA macro 
> that gets the SOAP XML data.
> You will need to add SOAP interface to you web app server.
> SOAP is good for most distributed  or diverse applications and good for 
> hetrogenous enviroments. (There is a news list on soap at 
> Vic
> Chen, Dean (Zhun) wrote:
>>This might be a little of topic, however, does struts support a
> standardized
>>way to export results from queries in a comma delimited format, for
>>importing into excel?
>>Dean Chen
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