Extensive discussions regarding Flash and servlets have been held on
servlet-interest.  Check out its archive at java.sun.com/products/servlet.
There was a French guy on their about a year ago who was an expert.  It's
possible that he's lurking.


-----Original Message-----
From: Micael Padraig Og mac Grene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 11:37 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: James Mitchell is Rude and Ignorant

The thing this question has to do with STRUTS is that it is an application 
which generates and AUTOMATIC relative reference within a SWF file that is 
NOT controlled in STRUTS.  So, if STRUTS cannot accommodate that, then 
there is a significant functionality out there that is inconsistent with 
using JSP files inside WEB-INF.  Do you now understand, James Mitchell?

Your Pal, Micael

At 08:29 AM 5/1/02 -0700, you wrote:
>You don't know what you are talking about.  I know all about what you are 
>speaking about.  I am talking about Flash ARRAYS.  Get it?  If you don't 
>know the question, don't try the answer.  The question is not so simple as 
>you blithely ASSUME.  Plus, your advice s$cks.
>At 11:18 AM 5/1/02 -0400, you wrote:
>>To answer your question <suppressing-annoyance> for the ?th time.
>>What do Flash files (.swf) have to do with struts?
>>Its a simple document request.
>>Whether you choose to put you jsp files (I said jsp not "all content" )
>>under WEB-INF is up to you.
>>Whether you choose to make it: relative to the url ("flash-me-baby.swf"),
>>relative to the application ("/flash-me-again-from-the-root.swf"), or
>>absolute ("http://www.flashers-anon.com/struts/oh-ya.swf";) is up to you.
>>Here's a snip of html from flash.com main page......notice the "movie"
>>and the "embed" urls, those are relative to the application.
>><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
>> >b#version=5,0,30,0"
>>                 width="749"
>>                 height="68">
>><param name=movie value="/uber/nav/global.swf">
>><param name=quality value=high>
>><param name="BGCOLOR" value="#EEEEEE">
>><param name="salign" value="tl">
>><param name="menu" value="0">
>><embed src="/uber/nav/global.swf"
>>                 quality=high
>> >Version=ShockwaveFlash"
>>                 type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
>>                 width="749"
>>                 height="68"
>>                 bgcolor="#EEEEEE"
>>                 salign="tl"
>>                 menu="0">
>>Life is full of choices, its up to you.
>>My suggestion to you is:
>>1. To write a **REEAALY** killer custom taglib that handles every possible
>>.swf configuration and then donate it to the open source cause.
>>2. Shut the H#LL up and get over it.
>>;) Have a wonderful day
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Micael Padraig Og mac Grene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> > Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 3:30 AM
>> > Subject: Flash Arrays: Possible on Struts with WEB-INF?
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Can Flash .swf array files access photo1.swf, photo2.swf, etc., Flash
>> > element files in the same directory with relative file URLs?  You don't
>> > have to tell me how to do it, I just want to know if it is
>> > possible.  This
>> > is fhe fourth time I have asked this question.  It seems to me to be a
>> > reasonable question.  I know how to do the normal stuff with
>> > struts.  But,
>> > here there is no way to use the structs tags in the Flash .swf array
>> > files.  I am asking about inside WEB-INF, because obviously
>> > outside WEB-INF
>> > is easy.
>> >
>> > Please give me a nod if it can or cannot be done.  Hopefully Craig will
>> > take an interest, or someone who knows?  If this cannot be done, it is
>> > problem with the architecture, in my mind.
>> >
>> > micael
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
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