Subject: Re: GUIDELINES for Posting
From: Vic Cekvenich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Here are guidelines for another list. Replace MySQL with Struts maybe?
The only thing I would add is that if it is "URGENT", check the past 
list of questions and answers.

> NOTE: This message is posted periodically to the MySQL List on behalf
>       of all members of the MySQL mailing list.  Please read it
>       carefully before posting.  This document can be retrieved from:
> The Short Version:
>  - Be Polite.  Respect others.
>  - Post a SUMMARY of the answers you get to your questions.
>  - Trim your reply. Quote only the needed text.
>  - This is the MySQL list -- stay on topic.
>  - No SPAM.
> The Real Version:
> Dear prospective MySQL List poster,
> We ask your kind co-operation in making the MySQL list a more valuable,
> effective resource for all of us in our community who use it.
> Before posting, please stop for a minute and consider whether or not your
> posting is suitable for the MySQL List.  The list is not intended for just 
> any possible question related to database software and development.  The only 
> appropriate questions for the MySQL List are questions about the use of the 
> MySQL database software products that are NOT answered in the manuals or 
> system documentation, in the mailing list archives, or in the MySQL FAQ.
> These are the rules for posting to the MySQL list:
>  - Remember that busy people are giving freely of their time to help you. 
>    Respect that.
>    If you want help from the best, don't waste their time.  You are expected
>    to have done your basic homework -- the list is not a place to go because
>    you 'don't have time' to read the manual.  The list is there for when
>    you've tried your best, made a real effort, and are genuinely stuck.
>  - You have to repay the favour. 
>    You are required to post a single SUMMARY of the email responses to your
>    question.  The SUMMARY contains the original question, explains the
>    solution that solved the problem, and names and thanks the folks who
>    helped you.  This solution will then be in the archives, available to
>    everyone.  This increases our community's store of knowledge, and helps to
>    prevent the same questions from being posted to the list every other day.
>  - Those who don't post a SUMMARY are likely to find future questions 
>    going unanswered.
>  - Don't post off-topic questions. Eg. PHP questions not directly related to
>    MySQL go to the PHP list.
>  - Replies should usually be directed to the POSTER and not to the list. This 
>    keeps traffic and clutter down.
>  - When you post a message with a SQL query in it, take the time to make the
>    query easily readable. It's easier on the people who want to help you, and
>    you're more likely to get a timely, helpful response.
>  - Never be rude or talk badly about other people or products.
>    By avoiding things like this, you are much more likely to get help
>    when it's your time of need.
> In particular, the following kinds of postings are -NOT- appropriate:
>  - Subscribe and unsubscribe messages.
>    See your email headers/footers for subscribe and unsubscribe instructions.
>  - Test messages of any sort.
>  - *Extended* discussions about anything, including discussions about the 
>    list itself, or numerous followups to any posting.  
>        Concise, polite discussion of MySQL pertinent topics, however, is 
>        encouraged.
>  - Postings not related to MySQL software or its use. 
>    Use the appropriate newsgroup or mailing list instead.  For example, if
>    your question concerns "sendmail," please consult the comp.mail.sendmail
>    newsgroup or the website.
>  - General OS, network, or software questions. 
>    Use the appropriate newsgroup, eg. comp.unix.questions instead.
>  - Postings claiming to be 'URGENT!' when they are not are particularly
>    inappropriate.  They are also dishonest and disrespectful of the other
>    list members.
>    If your needs are time critical, you might want to consider having a 
>    commercial support agreement with MySQL AB (
>  - Questions already answered in the Archives or FAQ. 
>    Read the Archives or FAQ instead.  If you're not sure if the question is
>    in there, please look before asking.  You can find the archives at:
> or 
>    and the FAQ at:
>  - Questions that are answered in the excellent on-line manuals or system 
>    documentation.  
>    Read the manuals instead.  If you're not sure if the question is answered
>    in the manuals, please look first!
>  - Job postings, requests for jobs, sales pitches, etc. 
>    Get permission from the MySQL staff first ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), or use 
>    the appropriate newsgroup instead.
>  - Please, no postings in HTML, rich-text-format (RTF), Microsoft Word, Word
>    Perfect, or any format that some people on the list would not be able to
>    read easily.  Also, the business language of MySQL is English, so please
>    post in English. You're also much less likely to get a response to your
>    question in other languages. See for information
>    about discussion lists in other languages.
> Please note that we are not saying these postings are necessarily "bad" or
> "stupid."  They are not.  They are merely inappropriate for this list.  There
> are many other lists and newsgroups for which the question may be completely
> appropriate, and we encourage you to submit the posting there.
> Note also that there's a good chance your question has been answered in the
> past.  Please spend a minute or two checking one of the MySQL List archives,
> eg. the one at the MySQL site ( or at 
> Here's an example of an appropriate question:
>    I have a SuperServer X99 running BigLinux 9.8.7 with the fizbozz patch and
>    the jumbo kernel patch version 158. I'm using MySQL v.52.4.1  After I
>    installed the MySQL-WonderTable plug-in version 343.2, the machine locks up
>    every couple of hours.  When it locks up, the following message appears on
>    the console: 
>       zz0: out of futzbufs.  WonderTable space is full.  
>    I couldn't find this in the manual, and I need to get this database back
>    online as soon as possible.  
>    Has anyone encountered this? Please send email and I will summarize to the
>    list.
> When you submit a question, please indicate all relevant information,
> including machine type, OS and patches, MySQL version, the table structure,
> and the query, if appropriate.  Collect email replies, and then summarize
> them to the list.  If your question was posted with a subject of "foobar",
> for example, then please post your summary with a subject of "SUMMARY:
> foobar".
> Why are we asking that only certain types of postings be submitted to the
> list?  Very simply, the reason is this:  
> we want the list to have a very short turnaround time, and the only
> reasonable way to do this is to keep it unmoderated.  But this means that
> every message sent to the list ends up in the mailboxes of all the list
> members.  To keep all the members of the list from being deluged by
> inappropriate messages, we need everyone's co-operation in ensuring that 
> only appropriate messages are sent to the list.
> Please remember, the person reading your message may be your boss, your
> future boss, your customer, your seminar instructor, your colleague, or
> someone else that you work with today or may find yourself working with
> tomorrow.  We do not want you to embarrass yourself by sending an
> inappropriate or poorly thought-out posting.
> Regards,
> Robert Alexander
> Maintainer of the MySQL Posting Guidelines.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Before posting, please check:
>   (the manual)
>           (the list archive)
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