Have you taken a look at the Struts logic tags?...
...more specifically the <logic:iterate> tag. Quite sure this will do 
the job.

As for "displaying first N of the collection", you can set "offset" and 
"length" attributes to the tag, and it will do just that. You can also 
use any form of a Collection, including a primitive Object[]. It will 
retrieve an Iterator from the collection, and go over that. So ArrayList 
will work as well as a Vector (albeit that _little_ bit faster). 
HashMaps and such will also work, but the offset and length will be 
useless. :)

There's a lot of tags in the Struts booty. Take a read over them some 
time. They'll be the answer to most problems.


Rick Mann wrote:

>I set up a little website as a way to teach myself Struts. It's a
>user-maintained directory of electric vehicle charging locations. It's
>hardly complete, but there was one thing I wanted to do and didn't see an
>obvious way.
>Each Location has a bunch of user-supplied comments associated with it. My
>code currently displays all of the comments in reverse chronological order.
>What I'd really like to do is display only the first N such comments.
>Now, I'm pretty sure that I'm capable of making my own iterator tag(s) to do
>this, and the related action of iterating over the items N through M. I also
>realize that this will only work correctly for certain types of collection
>(Vectors, for example, or arrays), although I suspect it can be made to be
>repeatable for any type of collection.
>I guess I'm making a feature request, and looking for comments as to whether
>it's a good idea to add this functionality to the existing iterator tags or
>to create new tags to do it.
>Another related iterator action that I'd like to be able to perform is a
>more controlled iteration. I had a situation where I wanted to construct a
>string of items, separated by commas, but couldn't find an easy way to avoid
>an extra comma either at the end or beginning of the string. A set of tags
>to a) set up an iteration, b) get the current item, c) advance to the next
>item, and d) iterate over the remaining items would be useful, don't you
>Comments appreciated...

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