Hey Cedric.

Right, as of 30 mins ago I got tiles & sub apps to work together
grudingly :-) 

That patch to RequestUtils.selectApplication fixes the problems I
thought it would and does not seem to have any side effects (i.e. the
old frames based version continues to work fine). I will submit this as
a bug (as I believe that it affects any include of action, not
specifially tiles related)

Anyway, that worked fine for a bit, right up until I redirected to a
jsp from the definition and tried to use a sub application form on the
page. If the definition went to an action, and that action redirected to
a jsp, it worked fine. Otherwise I get an unable to find mapping error
for my sub app action.

Same kind of problem again, no sub application is selected. So to get
around this problem I built a tag called selectApplication which simply
calls RequestUtils.selectApplication and placed this on the page... and
it works. Now that one im not sure about - you can't jump on all jsp
includes from struts, and say placing the call to selectApplication
inside perhaps html:base isn't going to help a tiles application.

But for the time being it is working so I'm happy :-)


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/03/02 09:25am >>>


 One goals of Tiles is to enable reuse and to avoid copy/paste. So,
having to
copy same layouts in all sub-applications is not what we expect.
 Consequently, the actual behavior that you describe sound like a bug
;-). I
have to dig a little bit to see what can be done. If you have more
info, let me


Ian Tomey wrote:

> Hi again,
> Been tracing through the code to see what the issue is (and if I can
> fix it quickly) and spotted the problem. I'm not sure if this is
> to be problem anywhere else.
> quick recap of what is going on:
> call action in the /refdata sub app
> that returns a tiles-def reference, which points to a page
> /standardLayout.jsp
> the layout has reference to /refdata/showAllSchemes.do
> the tiles insert tag (supposedly) gets the value and inserts it into
> the layout page (by using pageContext.include in the tag )
> - boom - invalid action mapping.
> The reason this is failing is that struts is not picking up the sub
> application during the include. we are doing include on
> "/refdata/showAllSchemes.do". We hit the ActionServlet, which goes
> through to RequestUtils.selectApplication to determine the app. *this
> where it goes horribly wrong*
> // Acquire the path used to compute the sub-application
> String matchPath = request.getServletPath();
> This gets however not "/refdata/showAllSchemes.do" but
> "/standardLayout.jsp", so the selected application for mapping
> is the root application! (it then looks for the action named
> "/refdata/showAllSchemes" inside the default application config)
> Is this the expected behaviour when doing an include?. Later on in
> RequestProcessor the correct uri is got from
> path = (String) request.getAttribute(INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH);
> if (path == null) {
> path = request.getServletPath();
> The first call gets the correct path (/refdata/showAllSchemes.do) in
> this case. Should this be done in RequestUtils.selectApplication as
> well?
> finally,
> an obvious way to get around these problems in tiles is to refer to
> layout page in the sub application. unfortunately this means copying
> layout page into every sub application. Then as well we loose access
> the root application and have to copy the pages/action mappings into
> every sub app as well... GRRR!
> Ian
> —------------------------------
> Hi all,
> Got a problem trying to move our app over to using tiles and its
> probably specifically related to sub applications.
> In this simple case, we have the default app and a sub app called
> refdata. In the refdata config we have something along these lines:
><action path="/showAScheme" type=".....">
><forward name="success" redirect="false" path="refdata.refdata" />
><action path="/showAllSchemes" type=".....">
><forward name="success" redirect="false" path="/tree.jsp" />
> and the tile def:
><definition name="refdata.refdata" extends="site.mainLayout">
><put name="body" value="/refdata/showScheme.jsp" />
><put name="left" value="/refdata/showAllSchemes.do" />
> Now, when we do http://localhost/testapp/refdata/showAScheme.do the
> showScheme.jsp displays, but the /refdata/showAllSchemes.do fails
> an invalid request. However, if I place
><put name="left" value="/applicationList.do" />
> in the tiledef then the application list action in the default app
> works fine.
> Obviously tiles is working in default app space. Anybody got a patch
> or
> workaround for this problem?
> Ian
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