
Don't know if this will help you, but I will throw some ideas.

I ran into a similar "locking" problem a few months ago - not with Struts.jar
but some other file.

Are you using ANT for auto deploying?  Is Struts.jar in your classpath at
the time of auto deploying?  How about the local DTDs for struts config
and web.xml - are they in the classpath?  If they are then - humor me -
remove them from your classpath and see what happens.

Anyway, that's all I can come up with right now - from the department of
useless ideas :) :)


>-- Original Message --
>Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: "Robert Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: struts.jar is locked
>Date: Sun, 5 May 2002 06:48:14 -0400
>I recently just noticed that the auto deploy functionality of my servlet
>container is not working because the struts.jar is locked. The auto-deploy
>functionality basically deletes any existing files under the target
>directory and unpacks the  war file into the target directory, thereby
>making deployment rather easy. The unfortunate thing is, when you attempt
>reload the web app, the target directory cannot be deleted because the
>struts.jar file is locked.
>At first I thought it was my web app. Then I tried it with the
>struts-example.war web app and it exibited the same behavior.
>I don't see this behavior on my production machine, only during development
>and staging (which both are behind a fire wall; no-proxy server is used).
>The behavior seems to the result of the Digester resolving the location
>DTDs to the local jar file. From the code, it it looks like it happens
>the Digester must resolve to an alternate DTD. In this case it uses an
>object to open up a stream to the local resource thereby locking the
>struts.jar file. It doesn't appear to exhibit this behavior when the
>publidId is not registered and it must use the system identifier.
>This is printed out when I see the behavior:
>[Sat May 04 10:51:54 EDT 2002] register('-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD
>Struts Configuration 1.0//EN',
>[Sat May 04 10:51:54 EDT 2002] register('-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD
>Application 2.2//EN',
>[Sat May 04 10:51:54 EDT 2002] register('-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD
>Application 2.3//EN',
>[Sat May 04 10:51:56 EDT 2002] resolveEntity('-//Apache Software
>Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.0//EN',
>[Sat May 04 10:51:56 EDT 2002]  Resolving to alternate DTD
>This is printed out when I don't see the behavior:
>[Fri May 03 09:43:38 CDT 2002] resolveEntity('-//Apache Software
>Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.0//EN',
>[Fri May 03 09:43:38 CDT 2002]  Not registered, use system identifier
>I searched the archives under "Digester" and could not find anything
>pertinent over 804 hits. I may have missed something though.
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Ajay Chitre

Diligent Team, Inc.
(Where Diligent People Work as a Team)


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