
Can you please stop spawning off topic discussions, especially ones 
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Struts Newsgroup ( wrote:

>Subject: Re: Struts Architecture
> ===
>I would call Pet Cemetery "Complexia very BAD Practices for suckers". 
>This was designed to make your application need lots of HW and a new Sun 
>server for each multiple of  50 users. See 
> for 101 reasons why this is bad.  This is 
>not something that a production or operational system does, this would 
>only work in a lab environment with lots of overhead. Companies that do 
>this find Java expensive to develop and operate.
>Java is just fine, blame your software engineer/architect who would 
>think of picking this. The best solution is always low tech.
>This would be a good practice IMO:
>1. Dispatch a "new" parm to action.
>2. Action asks;
>3. New in frmBean does to create a row that will hold a new 
>row. (It might go to db to get MetaData). Also this same action does all 
>CRUD, not just new. Same with DAO and frmBean, they do all the CRUD, not 
>just new. (so action has new(); update(); delete(); save(); that get 
>dispatched to it; as does the DAO, etc.) Look at my code.
>4. With the empty rowholder with matching meta data in scope, it goes to 
>5. Use inputs some date, and submits a save. (Struts auto populates setters)
>6. Action gets a "save" parm.
>6.a You call frmBean.validate(); and redirecte if any messages.
>7. Action asks frmBeansave().
>8. Bean asks DAO to update.
>9. Update enumerates rows; and columns, construction an insert statement.
>Anyway, I have taken above to production just fine.
>Simple MVC, not Complexia. Again new people over engineer. KISS is much 
>more powerful and doable in Production.
>I suggest you always unit test a bean to be able to insert to db, before 
>placing it in Struts. Write a console app to insert into a bean. If it 
>works in console app, it will work in Struts. Oddly, if it does not work 
>in a console unit test; it will not work in Struts, and it is not Struts 
>fault.  Sun only makes money on J2EE license, and ... news flash, sales 
>people lie,  a lot.
>My db sample does exactly above.
>Mike Duffy wrote:
>>Please take a few moments to review the following, I would value your
>>opinion before I send it to the Struts user group.
>>Thanks in advance for your time and insight.
>>1. User enters information in an HTML form to create an account. 
>>2. Struts Controller creates and populates a new AccountForm with
>>user input.
>>3. Controller invokes AccountForm.validate() (assume validation
>>4. Controller invokes AccountAction.perform().
>>5. From within the method AccountAction.perform(), the form argument
>>is cast to an AccountForm object.
>>6. From within the method AccountAction.perform(), the method
>>AccountForm.createAccount() is called to create an Account object.
>>The Account object is one of several "ComponentObjects" that
>>represent the data model of the system and contain getters and
>>setters for primitive values and other ComponentObjects (in this
>>example the Account ComponentObject contains an "Address"
>>ComponentObject and a "User" ComponentObject).  The terms
>>"ValueObject" and "DataTransferObject" have been used in this thread,
>>but they seem to have conflicting definitions and they seem to be
>>used for transferring data across a network, not for communicating
>>between classes.  If you examine the "PetStore" reference
>>implementation you will see that the classes in the "Model"
>>subpackages are named with common names (Category, Page, Item,
>>As a comment to my initial question that started this thread, the
>>FormBean never leaves the Action object.  The FormBean is decomposed
>>into one or more ComponentObjects that represent the data model of
>>the system.
>>7. From within the method AccountForm.getAccount() a utility method
>>in a mapping class could be called to perform the mapping.
>>If you coordinate the property names between your FormBeans and your
>>ComponentObjects you can use a very handy method, copyProperties(),
>>in org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils.  In this case you can
>>probably do the mapping right in your AccountForm .getAccount()
>>8. From within the method AccountAction.perform() an instance of
>>AccountDelegate is created.
>>No business logic processing takes place in AccountAction; this class
>>is considered to be in the web layer.  AccountDelegate is located in
>>the business logic layer.  The AccountDelegate class does not do any
>>"heavy" business logic processing.  This class simply helps things
>>along by coordinating the business logic functions at a central
>>If you examine the "PetStore" reference implementation you will see
>>that these types of classes are called "Helper" classes (e.g.,
>>"AccountHelper").  I have also seen the term "Worker" used for these
>>types of classes.  In my opinion, the term "Delegate" seems more
>>appropriate because the action from AccountAction is delegated to
>>9. From within the method AccountAction.perform() the method
>>AccountDelegate.createAccount(Account account) is called to create an
>>account in the data store.  
>>If "heavy weight" business logic processing was required the method
>>AccountDelegate.createAccount() might call worker methods in other
>>classes.  For example, if income information was entered in the
>>original HTML form a method in a UserWorker class could be called to
>>evaluate status based on income and zip code.  This status value
>>would then be set in the User object and eventually entered into the
>>data store.
>>10. From within the method AccountDelegate.createAccount() the method
>>AccountDAOImpl.getInstance() is called. 
>>AccountDAOImpl is a singleton which reduces the creation of objects. 
>>The strings for the SQL prepared statements are declared as "public
>>static final".
>>AccountDAOImpl implements the interface AccountDAO.  This interface
>>allows for alternate possibilities in retrieving data. 
>>AccountDelegate will be able to use any object that implements
>>AccountDAO.  At some future time there might be an AccountDAOSoapImpl
>>or a AccountDAOFutureImpl. 
>>AccountDAOImpl and its helper classes completely encapsulate the data
>>access layer for CRUDing accounts (create, retrieve, update, and
>>delete).  The methods in AccountDAOImpl take ComponentObjects as
>>arguments and return ComponentObjects or void.  Connections and
>>transactions are managed in the data access layer not the business
>>logic layer.  The data access layer will have helper classes to
>>manage connections and transactions (any system that has a
>>significant number of transactions should probably use an EJB
>>In essence, when a class in the business logic layer calls a method
>>in the data access layer, a ComponentObject is sent in and a
>>ComponentObject is returned; the business logic layer does not affect
>>any functionality in the data access layer and the data access layer
>>does not affect any functionality in the business logic layer. 
>>FormBeans and ComponentObjects should not contain data access calls
>>to "create themselves"; they should be created by methods in the data
>>access layer.
>>From the Java BluePrints website:  
>>"A clear separation of concern between access objects and components
>>will enable a component to be adapted to different enterprise
>>information system resources. For example, a component can use an
>>access object to adapt its persistent state management to a different
>>database schema or to a different type of database." 
>>11. From within the method AccountDelegate.createAccount() the method
>>AccountDAOImpl.createAccount(Account account) is called. 
>>12. From within the method AccountDAOImpl.createAccount() a method is
>>called to get a connection from the connection pool.
>>13. From within the method AccountDAOImpl.createAccount() the method
>>Connection.setAutoCommit(false) is called (we do not want our
>>transaction to commit unless every part of the transaction succeeds).
>>When updating multiple tables in the same transaction the updates
>>must be done through the same connection.  In this example, we will
>>assume three tables need to be updated:  tblAccount, tblUser, and
>>14. From within the method AccountDAOImpl.createAccount() the method
>>account.getUser() is called (the Account object contains a User
>>15. From within the method AccountDAOImpl.createAccount() the method
>>UserDAOImpl.getInstance() is called.
>>16. From within the method AccountDAOImpl.createAccount() the method
>>UserDAOImpl.createUser(Connection connection, User user) is called.
>>Any exceptions that occur in UserDAOImpl.createUser() are thrown to
>>the calling method: AccountDAOImpl.createAccount().  If an exception
>>is caught by AccountDAOImpl.createAccount() the method
>>connection.rollback() is called.   
>>The class UserDAOImpl may also have a method createUser(User user)
>>that independently gets a connection and creates a user. 
>>17. From within the method AccountDAOImpl.createAccount() the method
>>account.getAddress() is called (the Account object contains a Address
>>18. From within the method AccountDAOImpl.createAccount() the method
>>AddressDAOImpl.getInstance() is called.
>>19. From within the method AccountDAOImpl.createAccount() the method
>>AddressDAOImpl.createAddress(Connection connection, Address address)
>>is called.
>>Any exceptions that occur in AddressDAOImpl.createAddress() are
>>thrown to the calling method: AccountDAOImpl.createAccount().  If an
>>exception is caught by AccountDAOImpl.createAccount() the method
>>connection.rollback() is called.
>>The class AddressDAOImpl may also have a method createAddress(Address
>>address) that independently gets a connection and creates an address.
>>20. If no exceptions are caught from the methods
>>UserDAOImpl.createUser() or AddressDAOImpl.createAddress() the method
>>AccountDAOImpl.createAccount() creates an entry in tblAccount.  If no
>>exception is generate when updating tblAccount the method
>>connection.commit() is called and the connection is released in the
>>"Finally" block of AccountDAOImpl.createAccount().  If exceptions
>>occur, the method connection.rollback() is called.
>>When I catch an SQL exception, I usually wrap it as a RunTime
>>exception and rethrow it.  I'll have my error.jsp display an
>>appropriate message.  As a general rule, when the only thing you are
>>going to do is display a message there is no need to create a
>>specific exception.
>>21. Assuming nothing has gone wrong, we are now back in our
>>AccountAction.perform() method and Struts will redirect to the
>>appropriate forward page.
>>When necessary, objects that need to be placed in the session or
>>request are placed from within the perform() method in the Action
>>class, not by methods from classes in the business logic layer; the
>>business logic layer does not affect any functionality in the web
>>presentation/management layer and the web presentation/management
>>layer does not affect any functionality in the business logic layer.
>>The general idea is to keep the layers of an application separate. 
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